Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why I'm not donating blood

I had an appointment to donate blood this morning, and I asked them if I could be weighted first because I knew I’d lost some weight (not on purpose). It turned out I’m 48 kilos (their limit is 50) and the nurse became really rude and told me loads of times to eat more meat. I expected them to tell me to come back when I had put the kilos back on (because I most probably will), but she just kept on asking why, and she didn’t believe me when I said I’m not one of those girls who goes on diets and stuff. And then she banned me for five years. Banned! Five years! I want to caps lock that. It’s almost like Blodbanken is some sick forum on the internet or something. I don’t know. It was just too weird.
Then they gave me 50kr for showing up and I donated them to help treat cancer, helped myself to some of their free biscuits and apple juice and walked out the door. Goodbye Blodbanken, see you when I’m 26 then! :/

When I got out from the hospital the sky was like a watercolour painting, grey all over with hairy brushstrokes. Then the rain started. The heavens opened, you know, it was that kind of rain. Small rivers down my face, my glasses full of water, it was the best thing ever.


Mag paa eventyr said...

Jeg lo! Kjempefint innlegg, jeg liker måten du skriver på.

Frøydis said...

Takk skal du ha!
Det var bare så drøyt, som om å gå ned i vekt tilsvarer en smittsom sykdom man har i fem år. Ahh!